When White Reaper returned to ACL Festival 2017, Top Trip Rentals was stoked that the Louisville-based band booked yet another Austin stay with us.
We took this opportunity to ask White Reaper a few questions, and frontman Tony Esposito was kind enough to oblige. Naturally, we started out with the shameless plug:
Q: You’re staying with Top Trip Rentals for another year. What brought you back to us, and what in particular did you enjoy about previous visits?
You guys are really friendly! There are some truly wonderful people at Top Trip. This will actually be our third stay at Littlefield Lofts, and you even allowed us to stay at a house that Top Trip has as well.
New Music from White Reaper
Q: You’ve got a new album out. What can ACL attendees look forward to from your set? What are your favorites? Any surprises in store?
We’re actually working on a new set at the moment, so I don’t really know what to tell you! We’re adding some songs we’ve never played before, and some songs we haven’t played in a long time. That’s all I can say for now.
Q: Watching your “Judy French” video, I find myself flashing to a bunch of different references, from Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” flag motif to that punk bandana (I went down the rabbit hole looking for some ancient MTV video with a car…). What were your influences in making the “Judy French” video? And it’s very different from the clean black and white of “Little Silver Cross.” Where do you get inspiration?
Our buddy, Brandon Dermer, directed the video and he just knocked it out of the park. We try to go as big or as strange as we can when it comes to videos just because there’s so much fun to be had in that department. We love movies, so inspiration is kind of hard to pin down since it comes from every which way.
Q: Gotta ask: How are you feeling about playing a big festival in light of the Las Vegas shooting? Has this horrible tragedy changed anything about the way you feel about festival venues and ACL, specifically?
The tragedy in Las Vegas is devastating and terrible. Gun laws need to be reformed, without a doubt. However, this doesn’t change the way we feel about playing shows like ACL or Lollapalooza in the slightest. If it happens, it happens, but we don’t have time to live in fear.
White Reaper on the ATX Experience

Q: In a recent review of your second album, Pitchfork’s Ian Cohen said “the Dazed and Confused comparisons are inevitable.” Do you agree? How do you feel “The World’s Best American Band” style meshes with our iconic Austin vibe?
Dazed and Confused is one of our favorite movies, and Linklater is one of our favorite directors. We take that as a giant compliment. We definitely agree, too. We were raised on that soundtrack.
Q: Will you have any extra time around your ACL appearance here in Austin? If so, what are some things you’re looking forward to doing while here?
We’ve got some extra time. Our guitarist, Hunter [Thompson] is actually from Austin, so we know our way around pretty well. We’ve got a lot of friends in town that we’d love to catch up with and hang out with.
Band Travel Tips
Q: If Texas music fans were heading to Louisville, what would you tell them to see and do there?
Go to eat and drink at the Back Door. Check out Morris’ Deli [2228 Taylorsville Rd., Louisville, KY]; there’s a drive in theater right the across the river in Georgetown, Indiana. Louisville has a pretty chill old-school kind of vibe. I love it there.
Q: You’re traveling a lot with this tour. What’s one “must pack” item that helps you feel at home wherever you go? Any travel tips you care to offer?
Gotta have some headphones. Sometimes, in the van, putting headphones on is the only way to get a moment to yourself. Also Tide PODS (for rare, but easy laundry).
Q: Any shout-outs y’all want to give?
Shout out to Top Trip Rentals! Shout out to Do512! Shouts out C3! Shout out to Salvatore Cassato; shout out to all our Austin friends.
Have a great day!

Want More?
Our Littlefield Lofts guests should check out the new Lounge at Littlefield (no promises, but White Reaper mentioned bringing some merch that winds up there….)
Are you a band? Looking for someplace that likes musicians and doesn’t break the bank? Try Top Trip Rentals for your next Austin stay.