In Texas, we love to drive. Cars rule the road. So how do you get around Austin if you’re not driving?
At one point in time, Uber and Lyft suspended operations in Austin after voters weighed in on Proposition 1. As a result, the Austin City Council proceeded with more stringent security requirements. (This Texas Monthly article provides excellent coverage about the debate. Welcome to Austin, folks; we have lots of civic engagement!)
What Are My Ride Options in Austin?

If you’re navigating Austin without a car, what are the transportation options?
- Austin has public transportation (take Capital Metro for both bus and light rail)
- Try a ride hailing service (like GetMe and RideFare; Wingz goes to and from the airport only)
- Car2Go is a convenient carsharing service (and dedicated parking places).
- Pedicabs work well in the general downtown area (there are several companies)
- Austin’s primary cab services are Yellow Cab and Austin Cab (note that Austin’s cab companies gets less than stellar reviews on Yelp. From the complaints, cab services seem to take a long time, so allow plenty of lead time when requesting a pick-up)
- Austin B-cycle, a cycling ride share, is a great way to have some fun and get a bit of exercise. And there’s a station conveniently located directly in front of our Littlefield Lofts on 6th Street!

TIP: Top Trip Rentals hasn’t tried it yet, but Shire Cab Company gets great reviews. The driver, Al, is a local musician (and, we hear, a character), so try Shire Cab Company for that uniquely Austin experience.