What are Top Trip staffers up to when we’re not busy creating the best guest experiences in Austin? Plenty. See our staff summer vacation photos from trips to San Francisco, New York, Minneapolis, Padre Island, Texas and Cornwall, England. Happy Travels!
Top Trip General Manager Sandra Castro spent her summer vacation visiting her sister’s family in San Francisco. They spent time hanging out in Dolores Park with great views (and cool breezes) of downtown.
Top Trip Staff Accountant Brenda Warner spent her summer vacation introducing her grandson to the excitement and sights of New York. “It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience to show my grandson around such a great city,” said Brenda about her getaway weekend.
Top Trip Blogger Rene Craft spent 10 days of the hottest part of Austin’s summer cooling off in Cornwall, England with her best friend. “I was absolutely gobsmacked at the beauty of the rugged coastline and beaches in Cornwall. I will definitely be going back. Plus we stayed in a great Airbnb Myrtle House in Penzance that I would love to visit again,” says Rene.
Top Trip Reservations Specialist Nico Ovejero took several weekend trips over the summer with his wife. Left, they visited Minneapolis for some cool summer weather and at right, they took a trip to Texas’ best beach, South Padre Island.
We love to travel too. We get it. It’s the thing that draws us to our work here at Top Trip Rentals, our shared love of the open road and a rewarding view. #TopTripping